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solution for selinux issue while installing zabbix agent on centos7

install zabbix agent as service will raise selinux issue on some centos 7.3.1611

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2021-06-24 14:07:46 最後編修
2021-06-24 13:29:39 By jung

在IDP主機上安裝zabbix agent並設定後,要啟動服務systemd

在CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 正常,不會報錯

但在CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611會出現selinux權限問題


1. 先暫時改成permissive模式

zabbix_agent_t 為暫存設定檔名稱,可自訂

semanage permissive -a zabbix_agent_t

2. 啟動zabbix agent

systemctl start zabbix-agent

3. 觀察audit紀錄


ausearch -r -m avc -ts today | audit2allow -M zabbix_cli

4. 執行audit2allow產生的建議指令

semodule -i zabbix_cli.pp

5. 刪除permissive暫存設定檔

semanage permissive -d zabbix_agent_t

6. 重新啟動zabbix-agent systemd服務

systemctl restart zabbix-agent






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solution for selinux issue while installing zabbix agent on centos7 install zabbix agent as service will raise selinux issue on some centos 7.3.1611



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